Trademark (Trademark)
A trademark is any sign that can be graphically represented, especially words, fulfilling persons’ names, drawings, product shapes, color tons that identify a person, organization, company or governing entity.

A trade mark is an indication or hallmark of a type used by individuals, organizations or other legal entities to identify specifically the type of services/products among customers and to distinguish those services/products from the services/products of other entities. A trademark is a type of intellectual property and specifically contains a name, word, phrase, logo, symbol, design, appearance, or a combination of these elements.
The mark may be registered (®) or mark for products of an organization, company, governative entity or person (™).
"Trademarks" and what are the details that make it called a trademark.
- Words, combinations of words, including personal names
- Figurative markings, including drawings
- Three-dimensional forms, including the shapes of goods and their packaging
- Colors, color combination, light signals if, they are presented graphically
- The combination of signs mentioned above.
- Letters, numbers